Just when we've said all we thought we could say about food, it's episode 50 of The Food For ThoughtCast! Tonight, Melissa and Steve are talking all about foods at the movies- the history of some of your favorite candies, what we like to eat at each...
Presidents' Day is upon us and here at The Food For ThoughtCast we want to know what all the Chiefs eat.......Commanders- in -Chief, that is! Welcome to Episode 49! Steve and Melissa are looking at the sometimes strange, weird, wonderful, and...
Hey there food fans! It's almost time for the Super Bowl! What are you cooking? Any family food traditions for the big game? Welcome to episode 48 of The Food for ThoughtCast! We're talking about chips, dips, pizza, and wings and all of the other...
Welcome back to The Food For ThoughtCast, It's Episode 47! Today we are discussing the weird, sometimes impressive, at times confusing, but mostly odd: it's a list of some famous and infamous last meal requests! It may seem a little dark, but it is...
This week's episode is all about Offal. Off-icially that's any animal's internal organ used for culinary purposes. Join us for episode 46 of The Food For ThoughtCast as Melissa and Steve talk about liver, kidney, haggis , and so much more. Bad puns...
Let's talk about all the things we eat before the entree: appetizers, hors d'oeuvres, starters, whatever you call them-- they're delicious. Where did they come from? What are our favorites? All this and more on the 45th episode of The Food For...
This week, Chef Stephen turns the tables and plays a game of 20 Questions, if you will. That's right-- it's all about getting to know us in Episode 44 of The Food For ThoughtCast-- with food related questions and conundrums sure to entertain, educate,...
What in the heck is a girl dinner? Did you try the Pumpkin Cream Frosty last year? Grimace shake? Did cottage cheese deserve all the hype? Join us for Episode 43 of The Food For ThoughtCast. While we're looking forward to the new year, today Steve and...
Hey there food fans! Happy New Year, it's almost here and we're taking a look at some food traditions near and far, young and old. Join me, Melissa, and my cohost with the most, Steve as we look at black-eyed peas, collard greens, cornbread and all...
Today's episode brought to you by all those holiday foods.....in song! Join us as we talk about what's real and really gross about the famous and infamous food and drink mentioned in holiday music lyrics. Have you ever roasted a chestnut on an open...
Hey there food fans! Welcome back to The Food For ThoughtCast- Episode 40. Today we are talking about braising. Which proteins work best? What is the difference between braising and other cooking methods? Does it matter which liquid you use? Do I need...
Steve and Melissa are joined by Jacob Roth for an epic showdown for the ages-- we are trying to determine which is the best fast food chain. Welcome to episode 39 of The Food For ThoughtCast- with a fancy sportsball bracket of fast food joints,...
Happy Thanksgiving! (or just happy Thursday, if that's what you're into) The Food For ThoughtCast invites you to join us as we say Thanks or No Thanks to regional varieties of classic Thanksgiving favorites. Steve and I talk a little about what is on...
Welcome back and thank you for listening to The Food For ThoughtCast. In Episode 37 , Steve and I are joined by Tate Hoeven, from Good Day For A Movie Podcast. We talk a little bit about the service side of the service industry, being a server,...
Welcome to episode 36 of The Food For ThoughtCast. Steve and I are here today to talk about the 7 classic types of soups, our likes and dislikes, and whether or not chili is a soup. Is soup a meal? Which version of chicken tortilla is better? Thanks...
Let's play a game-- it's time for Smash or Trash your Trick - or - Treat Stash! But first, we need to discuss why you hate candy corn and are also wrong about everything else in life. Episode 35 of The Food For ThoughtCast is all about Halloween...
Hey there food fans, it's time for Episode 34 of The Food For ThoughtCast! We're falling into flavor-- Fall Flavors, that is. I really can't help myself with the puns. We're looking at the most beloved fall flavors and talking about why we like them...
It's Chef Steve's first time at The State Fair of Texas- and boy are his arms tired.......of lifting delicious foods! Thanks for joining us for Episode 33 of The Food For ThoughtCast. We are joined by newly crowned (accused? coerced?) co-host of The...
Quail, quail, quail look who it is! Welcome back listener! No bird, or pun, is too small or unimportant for today's episode. We are joined by Chef Stephen Gonzalez as he and I take a look at game birds, how to cook them, and how we like them. Prepare...
Holy ( literally) Hippos and Hashbowns! On Episode 31 of The Food For ThoughtCast we're talking to Sandra Daniels- owner of Hippos and Hashbrowns in Casa View, right here in East Dallas. This is a lovely chat and a little look into the bakery and how...
Where it came from. Where it's going. And all the toppings in-between.......two buns. In honor of the recent celebration of National Cheeseburger Day on September 18th, I bring you a look at hamburgers and cheeseburgers both near...
Today's episode of The Food For ThoughtCast brought to you by.......The Main Street Electrical Podcast! Jenn and Dave had me on their podcast this week, and I'm using it as my own because.......I can! I kid. But seriously, we had a great time chatting...
Pizza, part 2. Today we're deep diving into Deep Dish Pizza- the Chicago kind, and a variety and myriad of other loosely related but completely off-topic subjects in our signature style. Did I say "we"? That's right-- everybody's favorite Good Cooker...
It's just desserts. Or desserts. No sand here. This is a mind-blowing, jam-packed half hour of Is It or Is It Not Pie? and Why? Episode 28 of The Food For ThoughtCast urges you to stop calling fruit a dessert, for the love of Pete guys, just stop...