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Kennedy Bower

Kennedy Bower Profile Photo

Network Engagement Services Manager

After attending The University of Kansas where she received a degree in Business and Political Science, she gained four years of experience in real estate, managing a team that worked on multi-million-dollar, mixed-use development projects in various regions and markets.

She thrives on establishing and building relationships and collaborating with other businesses and colleagues. Her background includes collaborating with countless volunteer organizations in addition to organizing business-to-business-related events. She also has more than 5 years of experience in the food industry working in both front and back of house roles.

Kennedy currently manages the Food Bank’s Network Engagement Services (NES) – a platform for network partners to collaborate with subject matter experts on innovative ways to achieve their growth and development goals. NES creates opportunities for NTFB’s feeding partners to identify needs and offer targeted resources and training that aids partners to strengthen their fundraising, marketing, advocacy, and volunteering efforts.

March 9, 2023

Takin' It To The Food Bank with Kennedy Bower of NTFB

We like cooking food, eating food, and sharing it with one another but what happens when there's not enough to go around? Find out the ways we can help, in the state of Texas and elsewhere, with Kennedy Bower from the North Texas Food Bank. Your...
Guest: Kennedy Bower